Are you a fan of ice cream and piping hot coffee? Or maybe you are into combat sports and don’t wear a mouth guard? Or do you often smoke outdoors? And what, you ask? What do a coffee drinker, a follower of Michael Tyson and a smoker have in common? Cracks and chips on the teeth, that’s what they have in common.
They may not be noticeable and may not be felt at first. But, the fact is that the microflora of the oral cavity is quite aggressive in itself. Add to that leftover food and drink. Forget to brush your teeth. And microscopic changes in the enamel will turn into unaesthetic cracks. Tooth enamel, for all its strength, has a tensile strength.
In addition, lovers of soda and sour juices, enthusiastic personal work, gnawing pens, pencils and other hard objects, those who regularly forget to brush their teeth, relying on chewing gums, can boast of microcracks in tooth enamel.
Perhaps, after reading all this, you will approach the mirror, smile, and, not finding a flaw, shrug your shoulders. Do not rely on visual inspection. Why? There are several reasons.
First. Microcracks are not visible to the eye, their presence can only be determined by a dentist.
Second. Enamel decay is not only a dental problem. It can be caused by a metabolic disorder or a weakened immune system. There is no need for a doctor here.
Third. Prevention is always cheaper than cure. A microcrack and chip, left unattended, can contribute to the development of inflammation. And this is completely different money!
We are all adults, and everyone decides when to go for a preventive examination. But think about this. We all want to succeed, we work hard, denying ourselves communication with loved ones, trying to reach the pinnacle of our professionalism. The first thing that your employers and clients will evaluate is your appearance and an open smile. Find time to visit a doctor, it will save your health, your time and your future.