Implants are an operation to replace missing teeth with dental implants. A titanium root (implant) is implanted into the jawbone and loaded with a prosthetic structure (crown, bridge, full denture). Although implant placement is a surgical procedure, it does not have a strict upper age limit.

Dental implantation for the elderly is not contraindicated, but it can be complicated by comorbidities, weakened immunity, age-related slowdown of regenerative processes, changes in jawbone parameters. If there are no absolute contraindications, implantation is not only possible but necessary after 60.
When is surgery not possible?
Applying to the Ilatan Clinic, all patients undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. For those over 60, the list of laboratory and instrumental examinations is wider. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor selects the implantation method, dental implants, type of anesthesia (preparation, dosage). The contraindication to surgery is not age, but deviations in health. The doctor’s decision is based on objective data – an assessment of the patient’s overall condition, regardless of age.
Absolute contraindications
- Diabetes mellitus at the stage of decompensation;
- Hemorrhagic pathologies (blood clotting disorders);
- Psychiatric disorders that make contact with the patient difficult or impossible;
- oncology;
- renal insufficiency;
- Stroke, heart attack;
- diseases of the central nervous system, the immune system;
- Severe osteoporosis;
- hypertension of III-IV stage.
Relative contraindications
Relative contraindications include pathological conditions and diseases that can be corrected. In old age, there are a lot of health problems, so be sure to pay attention to the state of bone tissue, chronic diseases, oral hygiene, bad habits. Age restrictions for implantation:
- Endocrine abnormalities;
- Cardiovascular diseases;
- Looseness, thinning of jawbone, osteoporosis;
- Long-standing periodontal disease;
- Chronic liver and kidney disease;
- poor hygiene;
- ENT diseases;
- Impaired perception of anesthesia.
Dental implants are placed in elderly patients only with compensated stages of disease – at least for the past 3-4 months, tests and other indicators are normal. Implants are placed under the supervision of the attending doctor (for the underlying disease), and consultation with him is essential. If the pathology is controlled, the degree of engraftment of implants does not go beyond the standard indicators.
What to expect after surgery
The greatest concern for elderly patients is implant engraftment. There is always a possibility of rejection, but the risk increases with age. Modern implantology offers technologies and materials that increase engraftment rate to 99%. Much of the osseointegration depends on the overall health, the quality of oral hygiene, and the patient’s lifestyle. Implants are more often rejected after 60 years of age for the following reasons
- Exacerbation of a chronic disease – implantation of a titanium root creates an additional burden on the body, weakening the immune system. Against the background of pre-existing pathologies, this can provoke rejection of the implant.
- Peri-implantitis – inflammation of the tissues around the implant due to poor hygiene, bad habits (alcohol, smoking), diabetes (if the recommendations of an endocrinologist are ignored).
- Premature load on the bone – in older people, the jaw bone becomes more loose, with high load, it will simply collapse.
Proper preparation for treatment, the right method of implantation and scrupulous fulfillment of medical instructions during postoperative period can help to prevent such complications
How to avoid complications after implantation
Proper preparation for implantation is very important for elderly patients. The more comprehensive the diagnosis, the less chance of complications.
Stages of preparation:
- Collection of a detailed anamnesis, the conclusion of a profile specialist (without the permission of the attending physician dental implants will not be placed).
- Extended diagnostics: tests, X-rays (in case of unsatisfactory indicators, the patient first undergoes treatment).
- Oral hygiene (professional cleaning, treatment of teeth, gums, removal of non-vital teeth, roots).
Patients over 60 years of age undergo surgery according to the principle of sufficient minimum. The list of surgical procedures is dictated by the purpose and does not go beyond the boundaries of clinical problems. The method of implantation is selected taking into account the clinical picture.
What is recommended for the postoperative period
Rehabilitation period lasts from 3 months to a year (it depends on the characteristics of the body, general health, compliance with medical prescriptions). Implantation performed by one of the minimally invasive methods, provided that the requirements of the protocol are strictly followed, usually goes without any peculiarities. To make the rehabilitation period go smoothly, we recommend:
- Perform good oral hygiene daily;
- After eating rinse your mouth with antiseptic, herbal decoctions;
- Exclude smoking, alcohol at least a week before implantation and before full osseointegration of the implant;
- Do not overload the jawbone (prefer warm, semi-solid food);
- Do not freeze too much, avoid stress;
- Visit your dentist at least once or twice a month to monitor the dynamics of engraftment.
Detailed recommendations are listed in the patient’s service book, which the patient receives after the implantation. The first 2-3 weeks after surgery are the most critical. Therefore, during this time, it is necessary to minimize any risks and carefully follow all the instructions of the implantologist.