Complications and mistakes in dental implantation

After the placement of dental implants, there are possible predictable consequences inherent to any surgical procedure. There may be complications after dental implantation, which, with a qualified approach, should not occur. Consequences can be not only the deterioration of the patient’s health, the aesthetics of the teeth, but also the loss of the titanium post itself. Fortunately, it is extremely rare, as more and more patients are realizing the importance of choosing a clinic and doctor with certified dental implant services.

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Miracles of dentistry, or 9 technologies that have changed the quality of dental treatment

Like any science, dentistry does not stand still. Something new is constantly appearing in it, which improves the quality of work of dentists. We made a selection of the most impressive technologies that are used in modern clinics.

  1. Dental microscope

    Allows the doctor not to work “by touch”, but to see what he is treating. As a result, the accuracy of manipulations increases significantly, and the treatment time is reduced.
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Shut your mouth: 10 phrases that allow you to figure out a bad dentist

The great detective Hercule Poirot urged to listen carefully to the interlocutors: he believed that when a person says something, he gives himself away. And this applies not only to secular conversations, but also to the choice of specialists to whom we trust our health.

Evil dentist is about to take out terrified woman’s tooth.
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How implantology helps prolong youth

Few people know that the condition of the teeth, and especially the absence of even a few units, provokes premature aging of the face. Therefore, when referring to cosmetologists or plastic surgeons, the recommendation of specialists about the need to pre-implant teeth, of course, may surprise.

Information about how oral health and malocclusion affects the appearance of the face, how implantology helps to prolong youth, is very relevant today. We’ll talk about this.

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