British scientists told which toothpaste should be bought by every person who is worried about the health of their teeth and gums. So, they call fluorine the most important component in the composition of toothpaste, which has a restoring effect on the mineral density of teeth and prevents the development of caries. Scientists have proven many times that toothpaste containing fluoride reduces the risk of caries by half. So people who are at risk due to the occurrence of this disease are advised to use just such pastes.
Also, the paste should contain triclosan, which has an antibacterial effect and reduces the intensity and density of plaque, reduces the risk of caries and various gum diseases.
Whitening toothpastes should only be chosen that contain moderately abrasive ingredients. If there is too much abrasive, then you risk getting rid of not only plaque, but also tooth enamel while brushing your teeth. Some whitening pastes may also contain hydrogen peroxide, but there is currently no scientific evidence that this ingredient is actually effective.
For those people who suffer from increased sensitivity of the teeth, it is recommended to buy special toothpastes containing potassium nitrate or citrate. In order to feel the effectiveness of such pastes, you need to use them for at least two weeks. Only after such a period, they begin to give a really visible effect and strengthen tooth enamel. Arginine, strontium, sodium-calcium-phosphorosilicate can act as a replacement for these substances, however, none of the above components has undergone independent research. So here only at your own peril and risk.