Healthy teeth always have a light shade. Even if yellowish or brownish, but light. Darkening of the enamel is considered a pathology, not to mention esthetics. Sometimes the pigmentation is especially intense, and it leads to the creation of the effect of “black teeth”. Why this happens and what to do about it, we will talk further.
Causes of darkening of teeth
Enamel does not affect the natural shade of the teeth. It all depends on the dentin, which is visible through the transparent shell. The lighter it is, the whiter the teeth look. Sometimes the shade of a smile darkens. It doesn’t happen right away. As a rule, the process of pigmentation proceeds gradually.
If dark spots or dots begin to appear on the enamel, pay special attention to hygiene. Perhaps the reason for the discoloration was improper oral hygiene or an increase in the proportion of foods containing dyes in your diet.
Also, the cause of darkening can be one of the following factors:
- You have injured your tooth. As a result of trauma, the vessels of the pulp can burst. The result will be a strong darkening – an analogue of a bruise on the skin;
- Your nerve has been removed. Often, in order to save a tooth, the dentist has to resort to extreme measures and remove nerves. If the doctor makes a mistake and does not completely remove the affected tissues, or fills the canal with dark material, this can also lead to blackening of the tooth;
- You have caries. Dark spots on the enamel are the first sign of caries. In the course of their vital activity, harmful bacteria not only destroy healthy tooth tissues, but also stain them black;
- You abuse tobacco or coffee. Caffeine and nicotine can also discolor teeth. Especially if you openly abuse them.
To determine the cause for sure and develop a treatment plan, you need to see a doctor. Procrastination in such a situation can cost you not only the beauty of your smile, but also its health.
How to restore natural color to teeth
It all depends on the causes of the pathology:
- If the darkening of the teeth is the result of an injury, it is necessary to remove the damaged tissue and seal the canals;
- If the reason is poor oral hygiene, the dentist will develop a comprehensive hygiene program, which will need to be followed for at least several months;
- If the problem is caries, it should be removed, and then damaged tissues should be restored;
- In other situations, hardware or home whitening can help.
Black teeth always spoil the aesthetics of a smile, but it is up to you to restore their healthy color. To do this, be sure to seek help from a dentist.