The course of caries in the early stages is asymptomatic, so often a person does not even know about its presence. But if the tooth is not cured in time, the process progresses; sooner or later, bacteria enter the pulp cavity, causing inflammation. The patient experiences acute throbbing pains that worsen at night. As a rule, body temperature rises to 37.5°C. If treatment is not started at this stage, the infection enters the surrounding bone tissue through the root canal, causing an inflammatory reaction in it. This disease is called periodontitis. At the same time, a person’s general well-being deteriorates sharply, and the body temperature rises even more, often reaching 38-39 ° C.
If left untreated, pulpitis or periodontitis can turn into a purulent form. At best, it will require expensive treatment. Sometimes the only way out is to remove the tooth with subsequent prosthetics of the resulting defect.
A person who has a fever due to a toothache should contact a dentist as soon as possible.
The patient’s well-being will improve only if the cause is eliminated. Pulpitis therapy consists in removing the neurovascular bundle from the pulp chamber using various instruments. After that, the root canals are cleaned and expanded with simultaneous treatment with an antiseptic solution. Then a cotton turunda impregnated with an antimicrobial drug is placed in the tooth cavity and closed with a temporary filling from above. After the temperature normalizes and the pain disappears, the canals are sealed.
The essence of the treatment of periodontitis is the creation of conditions for the outflow of exudate from the infected pulp chamber and root canals. The cavity of the tooth is left open for a while. For this period, the patient is prescribed rinsing with special solutions. Often, with a significant increase in temperature, the use of general antibacterial agents is required. They are appointed for a period of 7-14 days. After normalization of the condition, the root canals are sealed.
Of course, the use of modern instruments allows high-quality processing and filling of canals, and the use of modern anesthetics relieves the patient of discomfort during manipulations. However, this development can be avoided by regularly visiting the dentist.