A fulfilling sex life has a positive effect not only on mental health, but also on the health of the oral cavity. This conclusion was made by Australian researchers from the University of Queensland.
If a person is not too satisfied with his sex life, then he should pay close attention to the health of his own teeth. According to the study, sexually satisfied people are more likely than others to be happy owners of a snow-white and healthy smile. This is due to the fact that happy people pay more attention to their appearance, and oral health as well. The authors of the study were particularly surprised by how good an impact developing romantic relationships have on this moment.
So, those people who have experienced a painful separation from their soulmate, as well as single people, are much less likely to turn to dentists for preventive examinations than people who are worried that an unpleasant odor does not come out of their mouths, and their teeth are white and beautiful. People who are unhappy in bed are also much less likely to seek psychological help from specialists and their loved ones, relying solely on their own strengths and emotions.
But people who are in happy romantic relationships and trust their partner value their own health much more and visit the dentist regularly. As shown by the test, which was attended by 265 people over the age of 30, most healthy people lead an active sex life and are completely satisfied with the situation on the personal front. Of course, these results cannot be called wholly and completely objective, but a fact is a fact. Sexual life, albeit indirectly, affects dental health.