Is it possible to treat teeth with a cold on the lips?

According to research data, about 90% of the inhabitants of our planet are infected with the herpes simplex virus of the first type. An exacerbation of infection occurs against the background of a general decrease in the body’s defenses, with diseases of the immune system, due to emotional and psychological stress, stress, hypothermia.

Many patients mistakenly believe that small blisters on the lips do not interfere with dental treatment. However, both dentists and therapists say otherwise. Treatment of teeth and oral cavity with exacerbated herpes is possible only in emergency cases. For the treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodotitis, as well as tooth extraction, a cold on the lips is a strict contraindication.

Medical procedures are associated with a certain mechanical intervention. The herpes virus can easily enter the bloodstream and cause herpetic stomatitis, in which painful sores appear already in the oral cavity. It should be remembered that the most dangerous for infection is the phase of ulceration, that is, the rupture of the bubbles.

We repeat that herpes indicates a weak immune system. In turn, low immunity negatively affects the condition of the teeth. With frequent recurrences of herpes, be sure to consult an immunologist and do not forget about preventive visits to the attending dentist.